Meet KPIs - our newest addition to PeoplePerform module!
What are KPIs?
KPI - Key Performance Indicator
is a way to evaluate the success of processes. They are quantifiable measures of performance that a business indicates for itself 📈.
To enable KPIs go to Settings -> General and find PeoplePerform block, there you need to tick the KPI checkbox and save the changes. There you can also enable/disable OKRs (objectives) for your company.
When users will create their KPIs and start tracking the progress you can view it in the company's KPIs dashboard or in the report. Based on how KPIs is performing Peopleforce will automatically set the health of the KPI. If KPI's current value is lower than the target value - then KPI is 'at risk', if the current value is equal to or higher than the current value then KPI is 'healthy'. Special widgets will help you quickly understand how your KPIs are performing.